Purpose Statement

Indianapolis, Indiana
The purpose of the Our Lady of Lourdes Men's Club shall be to promote spiritual good and growth of its members, cooperation and a receptive attitude between individuals, organizations and groups in Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Breakfast A Success

We started at 7:00 a.m., making eggs, warming sausage, setting the tables and placing centerpieces. Overall, approximately 80 mothers attended. Lourdes families of old and new enjoyed each others' company as music played and breakfast was served by Men's Club volunteers.

Each mother took a 4-pack of Impatiens and the lucky ones received fresh flower arrangements. Kudos to the following Men's Club members for taking the lead on a successful relaunch of the OLL Men's Club Mother's Day Breakfast:

Jerry Deery and Mike McCoy: Organization, Supplies and Food Preparation
Dave Leising: Organization and Execution of Childcare
Jeff Wellner: Vases/Fresh Flower Arrangements - Doorprizes
Ben Schreiber: Music
20+Men's Club Members: Set-up, Serving, Cleaning

"This was Great", "Thanks for Bringing it Back", and "Do We Have to Leave?" were among the comments heard that morning. Nice work Men's Club!